~ Photographs & Memories To Spice Up Your Life ~
~ Life is a Journey and It Changes Everytime, It is a Collections of Photographs and Memories of Life's Journey That Spice It Up ~
Saturday, January 30, 2016
~ Photographs & Memories To Spice Up Your Life ~: What would be your Ideal Valentine's Date?
~ Photographs & Memories To Spice Up Your Life ~: What would be your Ideal Valentine's Date?: We all know that Valentine's Day Is Just Around The Corner , most awaited for some ladies out here and most planned for some sweet ...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
You can never be too old to take care of your skin. Feel and Stay Beautiful!
Say goodbye to your Dull and Dry Skin, We have the right solution for your type of glow.
Say goodbye to your Dull and Dry Skin, We have the right solution for your type of glow.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Baguio City: Where Flowers Bloom
Few more photos that I would like to share with everyone and they grow perfectly in cool places, like Baguio (Summer Capital Of The Philippines).
Although you will see many of this all around the City of Baguio but there is one specific place that you will see so many of this blooming flowers and plants.
Their beauty will catch you attention, just like they did mine. And of course when you see beauty and something you don't always see everyday, chances are You Take Photos, Click!
This don't grow good from where we lived, they like cold places and it is warm from here. I believe most are indoor plants, just like the money tree.
You can buy any of this bonsai plants for as low as P75.00 or about $1.50, good thing is you can see their prices right away.
This photo was taken in Mines View Park, one of the tourist attraction in Baguio.
So if ever you go to Baguio this Summer, try to visit this place and I am sure you will enjoy the scenery from up there and more. But expect it to be crowded this time of year, as it is the City peak season already but for sure, you' ll have fun when you go!
See their Flowers Bloom and Enjoy the Views that the place has to offer!
Have A Blooming Day!
Baguio City,
Mines View Park,
Summer Capital

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Autocompose Mail For Valentines Day From Yahoo
This Is Yahoo Way Of Saying Happy Valentines Day To All!
While checking email, I notice that little red heart on the right side of my mail, next where the "Compose" is.
Upon clicking on it, you will have Four choices of "Yahoo Valentines Greetings" Pre-Made Messages
* AutoCompose
* Crazy In Love
* Friendly Love
* All Outta Love
Just click any of those, and the message changes everytime, so there are so many messages you can choose from.
I find it really nice, cute and sweet. So each messages will give you idea on what to send your special someone.
Or you can get idea on what to write on your Valentines Card too. All this messages are really sweet and perfect for February 14 and I say just go for it and try them.
Happy Valentines Day Bubblers and Have A Wonderful Heart Day!
Pre Messaes,
Valentines Day,
Yahoo Mail

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Happy 10th Year Anniversary Facebook
Wow, A Decade Already! Happy 10th Year Anniversary Facebook
Wow time flies so fast and Facebook is on its 10th Year already. Facebook is one of the most famous social networking site in the whole World Wide Web. And it is Founded by Mark Zuckerberg, together with his other college friend from Harvard University.
Facebook was launched in 2004 of February, so many changes already happens since then and so many features added too.
So many advertisers as well, :)
And I did some google search and found out that Facebook members now have reach to 350 millions already, that is truly amazing.
Oops and there is more, Did you received a personalized video already, because as a way to show appreciation and celebrating it with us, Zuckerberg & Co are sending everyone a video of your time in Facebook. Oh well, not really sure because I have not received one yet....
It is getting bigger, better and hopefully more added features in the near future.
More Power To Facebook and To All Facebook Users!
Happy 10th Year Anniversary to Facebook and All The People Behind It!
Many More Good Decade To Come!
Keep Sharing Your Blessings and Share Your Millions, :) wink

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
What Happens When There's No More Rhyme?
And since it is almost heart day, I am getting all Love Thoughts here and trying to get your opinion and to learn something from you...
A Relationship can start good or it can start bad. There are different ways to meet or find our partners and fall in love.
I know some relationship that started like cats and dogs but eventually fall in love as well.
And no matter how you TWO have started, it is how you keep the relationship burning that really counts.
Relationship can go a long long way for so many years and then end up just separating when the TWO are planning and deciding to keep it serious.
Because taking it seriously (getting married) and to a totally different level is that never easy.
You can be serious by being boyfriend and girlfriend but then the commitment and responsibilities would change once you two decided to get even more serious.
But then again, nobody and mostly for girls wants to stay on the same level for a very long time, they need something more sure, something permanent and something better than just being good.
And even for the married couple, the courtship should never end after you two got married, they should keep it burning. Oh yes, of course you have kids already and husband busy earning for the family...but finding time for your partner is a must.....or it will be too late and there will be no more rhyme.
Nobody likes to feel being taken for granted for whatever reasons there is!
Things change, feeling changes, your partner needs is changing and you are too...
Do You Stay On The Relationship for the sake of having a relationship, because you are comfortable with each other, because you've been together long time, because of the kids?
And the hardest is letting go of what we got used of having already, not because the love still there but it is what we are comfortable with...
And sometimes we don't let go Not because we are still happy but because we feel and think this is where we already belong....think again...
Sometimes It Is Better To Have A Broken Relationship Than To Live With One!
But really, What Happens When There's No More Rhyme,Will You Stay or Will You Go?
Do You Go On Even If There Is No More Rhyme!

Monday, January 27, 2014
What would be your Ideal Valentine's Date?
We all know that Valentine's Day Is Just Around The Corner, most awaited for some ladies out here and most planned for some sweet lovers out there...
Ooops, sorry just getting excited here,lols!
But What Would Be Your Ideal Valentine's Date?
Do you really plan about this ahead of time and prepare something romantic, exciting and something new every year. Or you just do to the planning the night before?
Oh well for most ladies and I am one of those, I still get excited when I receive chocolates and roses on Valentines Day and this is something that never gets old and still expected.
However, there are some that go beyond this traditional ways as well. They fly somewhere just to celebrate it and for most couples they are making early reservations for a nice Dinner and probably staying over night somewhere...
Believe me, it is best to make an early reservation or you will end up dating and walking on the street with your date ( I dont mind doing that but) because everything will be fully booked before the first week of February end.
Even Jollibee and McDonald will be crowded ( most teens favorite place and fit their budget). And any place is romantic on that Heart Day, so no need to really worry where you celebrate it.
And not to forget, this is also one of the favorite month to propose (not business) I mean marriage proposal...
And although you can start courting someone anytime of the year, but this could also be a perfect timing to shout out loud how you really feel for someone...sweet,hehe.
I hope the Ladies get the best surprised they've been dreaming of and for the Guys I hope you give it your best and get the best as well.
Oops before this gets really long, I actually only would like to know....
Will You Be My Valentine? :)
Valentines Day

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Selfie Olympics: Express Your Self, Get Selfie
Will You Take Selfie With Me?
This is really famous now a days and the word selfie (self-taken photo from you cellphone) even became the international word for the year 2013 by Oxford Dictionaries.
This is IN last year and still IN this Year!
And this word or expression can actually be traced from long time ago back in 2002.
We have seen so many famous celebrities did this and some still doing this "Selfie" and even President Barack Obama did this Selfie together with the other well known people in the world, which took place last December 10, 2013 at the memorial service of the late Nelson Mandela,
And even the President of the Philippines Noynoy Aquino did a Seflie pose with Miss International 2013 Bea Rose Santiago.
And not to forget the Selfie photo of Prince Wiliam with Madison Lambe, a twelve year old girl from Boston.
So I think almost everybody is finding this Selfie really fun. This is like loving and expressing yourself the way you want it.
I love taking photo but never done so many selfie yet. But I will, one of this days.
And I heard on the news that there is a challenge that all those Selfie lovers would like to take and they call it "Selfie Olympic" and this is really just for fun and no prize to win....
But just a challenge, how many and how much Selfie pics can you actually take within a day...
Sounds fun to me, but no I am not joining and not everyone is joining but this will be really cool....
Just For Fun and Cooler Than Cool!
Express Your Self, Get Selfie Not Selfish!

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