Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Grilled Squid For Summer

We are still on SeaFood and let's grill some squid for a change. No frying, no oil, no grease.

This is also perfect for this time of year, staying away from meat while enjoying what we eat.

I am going to share a combination of both, from google search and from our kitchen recipe. Spicy It Up With Little Of Everything!


3 piece large Squid
2 cup soy sauce
3 medium sized tomato, diced
3 medium sized Spanish onion, diced
6 pieces dried Thai chili 
6 pieces calamansi or lemon 
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cooking Procedure:

Combine onion and tomato in a large container. Then add some salt and pepper and mix it well.

And then stuff the squid with the mixed vegetables and seasonings.

Grill the squid for 6 minutes or until both sides are cooked.

Mix calamansi, Chili and Soy Sauce for Dip.

Serve Hot With Dip and Enjoy!

Image: Google

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