Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just An Option To Your Priority

~ If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you'll miss finding the one who treats you like a priority ~

I saw this quote on my friend timeline on facebook and it made me think for awhile......

And Yes why do you hold on to a relationship that only gives you half of what you deserved. And why with someone that only treat you like an option, when you know it is just hurting you and your pride. You still hold on, hoping that things will change for the better.

When friends ask why do you do that, why not just let go and move on...Your reasons are never ending, you put excuses to all that he/she does and even if you complain, you still try to understand.
Who does not like to be a priority, even not to the whole world but just to one person, it make us feel special, wanted and love....The feeling is just great!

When he/she forget about a Special Occasion that you are so excited about, the feeling is so bad that you want to cry so hard and yet your mind have the right reasoning that you are just an option but your heart refuse to believe.

And you often wonder how long you can stay on that relationship, maybe you will give up soon or maybe you will stay is like a battle between your heart and mind, Yes It Is!

It is never easy to be Just An Option To Your Priority!

Then I come to the conclusion, which i am sure some of us still believes......The reason why some choose to stay being an option, is because the love for that person. You maybe Just An Option to his/her life but to you he is Your Priority, your life, your happiness!

And then again.......Never missed the chance to show your LOVE, Never missed the chance to show he/she is Your Priority or you will end up being just An Option!


  1. show him your love and care,you might end up as his priority or an option .Love is a gamble but there should be a limitation too. Do not waste your time or wait too long coz....~ If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you'll miss finding the one who treats you like a priority ~

    1. Your completely right Ms. Tess. Thanks for the comment!


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